Your Source For Making Wine and Beer

Beer Review #4 - Brooklynn Chocolate Stout

Monday, December 21, 2009

You need to know that this review was recorded after we finished our "Sex Xbox or Beer" skit. We had a few beers and probably should have saved this review for another night. But, does anyone really care?

This beer is from Brooklyn Brewery New York. It is worth noting that the ABV is a whopping 10.6% Potent!

The lady in this review seems to be a little on the tipsy side. Makes this video a fun one to watch.

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Winter Spiced Ale Recipe

Monday, December 07, 2009

6.6 lbs Dark malt extract
3 lbs dry dark malt extract
2 lbs wildflower honey
1/2 lb choc malt
1/2 lb black malt
1/2 lb Munich malt
1/2 lb flaked barley
1/2 lb malto dextrin
7 cloves
3 oranges
3 sticks of cinnamon
2 whole nutmegs
2 oz grated ginger
1/3 cup molasses
2oz cascade hops (whole leaf)
1oz Galena hops

Mash all the grains for 30 min

Boil the malt extract, honey, molasses and the galena hops for 30 minutes

Add 1oz cascade hops along with all the herbs and oranges to the boil for another 25 minutes, adding the remaining 1oz cascade hops during the last 10 minutes of the boil, for aromatics.

Cool the wort down, strained the oranges and hops and everything before dumping into the primary fermenter.

Pitch yeast.

Adapted from a recipe found on

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