Cleaning Tips
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I'm back from my "posting vacation" and ready to start the new year. I have planned some changes for this site over the next year and will be posting about them at a later time
With, the start of a new year it is time to make a "clean" sweep of last year's mistake. And, speaking of cleaning, cleaning your equipment should be one of your top priorities prior to making any wine. Cleaning is different than sanitizing in that cleaning is just removing the visible dirt and soil from your equipment. Sanitizing is the killing of the bacteria that can produce off flavored or bad wine. For a list of sanitizers, check out the future home of Making Homemade Wine and Beer, by clicking here.
1. Wash your hand before working with equipment.
2. Avoid wearing dirty clothes.
3. Before using equipment, inspect, rinse, clean and sanitize, and rinse again.
4. After using equipment, inspect, rinse, clean and sanitize, and rinse again.
5. Before using racking cans, filters, or bottle fillers, clean and sanitize.
6. Avoid starting a siphon with your mouth.
7. Use fresh, dry dishtowels.
I know, pretty basic stuff, but it usually is the small things that we do that makes or brakes a wine.

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