Welch's Grape Juice Wine
Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've had people ask me what is the best way for a novice to make wine. I tell them to go to the store and buy Welch's 100% Frozen Grape Juice. Man the looks that I get. "Really," they ask, "you can make wine from grape juice from the store?" I tell them it is no different than going an buying a 5 gallon bucket of grape juice from a winery or wine supply store. The key is to get the 100% Juice without any preservative.
I have found that two 11.5 oz cans to 1 gallon along with some additional sugar, makes a nice medium bodied wine. I have used the white grape juices and most of their varieties with very excellent results. I have also used Juicy Juice, but beware, it is mostly apple juice instead of the real thing.
Here is one of my recipes that uses Welch's store bought juice.
Grape Raspberry
Made December 22, 2002
Makes 1 Gallon
Silver Medal Winner 2003 Keystone Country Festival
2 11.5 ounces Welch’s Grape Raspberry Juice (frozen)
3 Cups Sugar
2 Teaspoons Acid Blend
1 Teaspoon Yeast Nutrient
1 Campden Tablet
1 Gallon Water
1/8 Teaspoon Grape Tannin
½ Pack Cotes De Blanc & Narbonne Dry Yeast
Original Gravity 1.100
Racked January 12, 2003, Gravity was 1.020, 4 ounces of sugar, 1 campden tablet and potassium sorbate added.
Racked February 1, 2003, Topped off with water
Racked March 2003 added Hungarian Oak Chips
Bottle May 2003
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extra sugar gives mult duck effect
Thank you. I was recently working on a batch of rose petal wine using Welches White Grape Concentrate and I've been looking to see if this is acceptable. (Yeah, I put it together first and started looking for verification later.) There are a lot of people out there saying that Welches won't create a proper wine. In a year or so, I'm hoping to find out otherwise.
I established a gold metal in the Italian fest in collinsville IL with welches white and concord grape. I recently have been working on a dry concord with a strong oak flavor and high alcohol content. It don't take much to calm the nerves.
My Welches concord won best of class this year at the Cowie's Amatuer Wine Contest in Paris, Arkansas. A very good wine. I made mine as a semi-sweet.
I agree with most of his instructions... However I have found, neutrient and tannin are not necessary.. Also..
Half the water I like a heavier body..
Another note: I like to use Juicy Juice sometimes instead of water. Especially when useing whole berries.. Awesome with whole blackberries!
The Welch's Grape Raspberry concentrate used in this recipe, is it the white grape raspberry or apple grape raspberry? I am a beginner and would like to duplicate this. Thanks
It is the white grape raspberry.
Does this recipe make a sweet red wine or dry?
I am a beginner winemaker (never done it before) but have a wine making kit (minus the fruit juice) and was looking for an easy recipe to make a simple dry wine.
I heard that adding a tsp. of baking soda to welch's juice neutralizes the acid and makes the wine less sweet?
Any advice?
Allowing the wine to completely ferment will make it a dry wine since this will take out all the sugar.
When making the grape wine, after adding yeast, do u keep it in the bucket for a few days til the yest calms down or do you put it in a gallon jug and airlock it right away and how long til you rack it?
Excellent blog! I plan on using your recipe at some point in the future when I'm ready to brew something with more complex flavour. My friends and I are just beginning to experiment with simple wine-making and are trying very simple methods. If you'd like to follow our progress check out our blog at www.redneck-wine.com where we have posted our recipes and progress updates. Keep up the good work!
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