Your Source For Making Wine and Beer

Planning for the New Year

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's about this time each year that I like to sit down and plan what wine and beer that I like to make during the upcoming year. It's usually not set in stone, but more of a trail to follow. Most years revolved around what beers to make a presents for the following Christmas. For next year, my primary focus will be more on experimenting and expanding my skills. What I would like to do for 2006:

1. Make more wine from fresh fruit and vegetables: Peach, Strawberry, Apple and Grapes.

2. Make smaller batches. Seems like the batches that are less than 3 gallons turn out better. So a lot of small batches to get lots of practice.

3. Better recording of ingredients, original gravities, etc. One of my weaker points.

4. Try at least one kit wine. I've never tried one in the almost 5 years of wine making, figure that it is about time.

5. Experiment with more concentrates that are purchased from grocery stores.

6. Make a couple of batches from grape concentrates. ie. Burgundy, Merlot, etc.

7. Experiment with a couple different sweetening agents. ie. Splenda, stevia etc.

8. Switch to all screw top bottles: See Bad Cork post for reason why.

9. For beer, make a couple of barley wines.

Will I accomplish all these goals? Probably not, life has a way of interfering with having fun. But, hey, who cares, making wine and beer is suppose to be enjoyable. When it gets to the point where it becomes a pain, then I'll quit. Of course, I'll be sharing the experiments with you the successes and also the failures.

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