Your Source For Making Wine and Beer

Screw Caps Instead of Cork

Monday, December 12, 2005

Before I started to make wine, I rarely drank it. Reason being is that getting the cork out of the bottle was such a pain in the butt. I am sure, I am like most American consumers and don't want the hassle when I want to have a drink.

This quote for an article in
Metro Active is quite interesting:

"It's a move fully supported by Gordon Getty, the wealthy philanthropist who is a part owner of the winery. Getty, like so many wine lovers, has been frustrated time and again by encountering wines that are "corked," their aromas and flavors negatively affected to the point that the drinking experience simply is not enjoyable. "

And this excerpt from
The Star says exactly what I believe:

"Local winemaker John Belsham said Thursday the screw tops preserve wine better and cut losses caused by poor quality corks.
Belsham admitted the industry would have to overcome "snobbish" attitudes from drinkers who favor traditional corks, but said the benefits were worth it.

"The people who really know their wine know they will be getting better overall quality," from the screw top bottles, Belsham said. "

The reason most "wine" people do not like screw tops is that they think that they wine is cheap junk. Well, most of us wine makers would not call our wines junk. There is probably more care given to homemade wines than commercial wines. Reason being, it's our personal name and reputation on that bottle of wine. From a wine maker's point of view, screw tops make it easier to open and easier to store than a corked bottle. That's why I plan on replacing the few cork bottles I have with screw tops. If you plan on replacing corks with screw tops, get the plastic ones. They are easier to clean and re-use whereas the metal ones are a one shot deal.


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